Improved the overall performance of many database queries throughout the app—especially time-tracking reports—by removing a dormant feature that we never ended up launching
Improved the overall performance of many database queries throughout the app—especially time-tracking reports—by removing a dormant feature that we never ended up launching
After years of side-eyeing an unreleased feature that has been nagging me while slowing down the app, I finally take the time to remove it from the app.
Re-added Intercom for chat support
Added contacts CSV to downloadable backup
Following up on the initial post about building a table in Cushion, I actually detail my approach this time.
I spent way too long trying to find out how to set up e2e testing with Vercel preview deploys, so I wrote a quick post to save others.
Now that I have data to wire up, I set out to build a table component, but first I revisit past attempts.
With a focus on navigation, I return to the early days when Cushion had a simple tabbed nav.
With the stack picked out, I set up end-to-end testing from the start, so I can get in the habit of testing user flows without any excuses.
As I rethink Cushion in the modern age, I detail my choices for platform, stack, and database.
With Cushion’s 10-year anniversary approaching, a theory leads to an attempt at a modern upgrade, but with 2016’s feature set.
I spent a weekend upgrading Cushion’s Heroku stack and Ruby version, which sent me down a path of fixing hundreds of failing tests and removing a feature.
Filtering in the Track > Reports section now persists through URL query parameters, so you can bookmark common reports (Thanks, Darren!)
Starting a new timer now auto-focuses the note field (Thanks, Charles!)