Ask a Freelancer

Be you

This episode’s questions include:

  • How do you get bigger clients that gave you more job security?

  • What are the best resources for getting started with the business side of freelancing?

  • Did the money you make buy back your soul?

Ask a Freelancer

Accept help

This episode’s questions include:

  • I have a full schedule, I'm booked for a few months in advance with regular clients, and I enjoy my work. Now what? What should be my next step to progress my career?

  • What's a rough estimate of how you split your time promoting yourself, following leads, interacting with clients, and doing billable work?

  • How do you increase sales and engagement?

Ask a Freelancer

Take the plunge

This episode’s questions include:

  • Do art directors still expect illustrators to snail mail them postcards or do they prefer to see digital work now?

  • I was approached by an agency to do some illustration work for a 2-month project on-site and they asked me for my day-rate. I think they want a work-for-hire situation, which seems a bit odd for me. Aren’t there rights, usage, etc., which need to be factored into the cost even if I work on-site?

  • How do you build up enough client work to freelance full-time while working a full-time job?

Ask a Freelancer

Strike the ultimate balance

This episode’s questions include:

  • How do you strike the balance between too little work and too much work?

  • How do you balance doing work that you’re passionate about versus work that pays the bills?

  • As an extrovert, the hardest part of freelancing for me is the lack of human contact. In particular, I miss those consistent relationships you build over time with people on your team or in the office. What are your strategies for maintaining your social health?

Ask a Freelancer

The first year

This episode’s questions include:

  • What did your first year look like? How long did it take before you realized you made the right choice?

  • How do you enter new markets when your existing clients are in a different market?

  • How do you transition from per-project pricing to retainers with larger clients?

Ask a Freelancer

Go your own way

This episode’s questions include:

  • What do you do to calm your nerves about all the things that can go wrong while you’re trying to become a freelancer?

  • What does freelancing look like 10 years in?

  • How do you land big clients?


Ask a Freelancer

Downhill from here

This episode’s questions include:

  • How do you say “no” and protect your brand from potential backlash?

  • How do you know when it’s time to increase your rates?

  • How do you deal with a difficult client?

Ask a Freelancer

Don’t be chicken

This episode’s questions include:

  • How do you best scale your pricing and your workload?

  • Personal brand or professional brand?

  • How do you handle clients who change their mind and ask everyone what they think of your illustrations?

Ask a Freelancer

Next stop: freelance

This episode’s questions include:

  • Have you always freelanced?

  • Do you think freelancing full-time helps or hurts you in staying creatively relevant?

  • Everyone's talking about value-based pricing, but how can you apply that thinking to clients with smaller budgets?

Ask a Freelancer

Find your rhythm

This episode’s questions include:

  • What does your project management workflow look like?

  • If you were to grow your solo business, what role would you hire as your first employee?

  • How do you actively grow your business without overselling?

Ask a Freelancer

Why rent your time when you could own it

This episode’s questions include:

  • What sacrifices do you make to get the work you want?

  • How do you work when clients aren't interested in a discovery phase?

  • How do you determine your pricing for each project?

Ask a Freelancer

If you want to be treated like a pro, act like one

This episode’s questions include:

  • Is it smart or stupid to do a job without pay for experience/exposure?

  • How do you handle payment and contracts with less than professional clients?

  • How do you diplomatically fire a client?

Ask a Freelancer

Show the work you want to get

This episode’s questions include:

  • How do you get your partner on your side when going freelance?

  • How do you scratch your creative itch when it's not the work that pays the bills?

  • If you don't have well-known clients, should you include a client list on your website?

Ask a Freelancer

Freelancing is a journey

This episode’s questions include:

  • Why would I freelance when I could have a full-time job?

  • What do you do to consistently keep a daily routine and not work unsociable hours?

  • How do you stay fulfilled over an extended period of time?

Ask a Freelancer

Always be planting

This episode’s questions include:

  • What do you do when freelancing slows down?

  • Does freelancing ever get less stressful?

Ask a Freelancer

Transitioning to freelance

This episode’s questions include:

  • What’s the key to getting your first client?

  • How do you get new projects?

  • What's the best way to transition from full-time to freelance?