The new Schedule timeline is in beta!

This past weekend, I made a big push to get Cushion’s new schedule timeline in a good spot for folks to start testing. I really wanted to get it in everyone’s hands sooner than later, so I could get feedback early. Because of this, the release itself is very much feature-incomplete. Essentially, it’s a read-only view of the schedule with only a fraction of what will be shown when it’s finished. Now that I deployed this initial release, though, it’ll be much easier for me to iterate, so I can release smaller updates quicker.

As for the beta, I decided to revisit Notion as a way of documenting the beta and intro’ing folks to it. I also created a basic roadmap for the items on my to-do list, so everyone has insight into where I plan to take the schedule timeline. There’s quite a lot in there, which would normally feel daunting to consider all at once, but I’m more excited about how far I can push it. Who knows—there’s a good chance this schedule timeline will be the primary focus of Cushion and help to better define it when marketing.
If you’re a Cushion user and interested in testing the new Schedule timeline, hit me up in the app!