In the Schedule view, Cushion will automatically highlight when you’re available by analyzing your Workloads and finding openings based on your availability preferences.
Under Preferences, you’ll find the Availability section. The weekly minimum preference tells Cushion how much time you require to be considered “available”. If you need a full day, you’d set this to 8 hours. If you need a full week, you’d set it to 40 hours.
The minimum stretch preference specifies how many consecutive weeks you need to consider yourself available. If you can start and finish a job in a single week, you’d set this to 1 week. If you need at least a month to complete a project, you’d set this to 4 weeks or more.
In the schedule view, Cushion will draw your availability green at the bottom of the graph. When you hover the highlighted area, Cushion will indicate how much time you have available along with the timespan.
If you don’t need to see your availability, you can hide it in the schedule view settings on the right of the graph.
Along with visualizing your availability within Cushion, you can also display it on your website for potential clients to see, using the Availability Badge add-on.
The Availability Badge is easy to install and hooks directly into Cushion, so your availability is always accurate and up-to-date—no need to remember to update it manually.
To install the badge, simply enable the add-on and follow the installation instructions. Check out the documentation on GitHub for ways to customize your badge.
Note: The Availability Badge is heavily cached, so if your availability changes, the badge will reflect the change within an hour.
Next: Scheduling
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